Elite Products

Pictured here, Pervious Concrete allows storm water to pass through into the subbase, eliminating the need for costly storm water management infrastructure.

Our Elite Construction Products Division was created to give you viable options when selecting materials needed for specialty applications. Elite products include:

•         Performance Flow Self-Consolidating Concrete

•         Climate Control Mix

•         Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete

•         Pervious Concrete


Elite products are designed to give you an edge in specialty applications with new custom products always being considered and developed.


United Materials can deliver our award-winning self-consolidating concrete, Performance Flow, directly to your job site. This highly flowable, non-segregating mix easily fills formwork and encapsulates even the most congested reinforcement without the need for mechanical vibration. Its unique properties offer significant economic, aesthetic, and engineering advantages.

Performance Flow is easier to pump, flows seamlessly into complex shapes, and minimizes voids. With its high strength, exceptional finish, and improved productivity, Performance Flow is quickly becoming the product of choice for architects, engineers, and contractors.

Performance Flow mixes are also available for horizontal applications, including overlays and flooring.



United Materials is pleased to introduce our latest innovation in concrete for foundations: ClimateControl Mix. This specially designed mix allows contractors to place foundations in freezing weather with minimal protection.

ClimateControl Mix is available in three categories: CCM20, CCM25, and CCM30. The ambient temperature at the time of placement determines which mix is most suitable.



  • ClimateControl Mix is delivered to the site at a 5″ slump. If a higher slump is desired, the United Materials Quality Control team will determine the amount of plasticizer that is needed to obtain the proper slump.
  • ClimateControl Mix is designed to set within five hours after the concrete is originally batched.
  • ClimateControl Mix requires minimal protection, such as plastic or straw, to shield the top surface of the wall from freezing. If temperatures are expected to drop below 20°F, it is recommended to cover the wall with blankets for at least 24 hours.




Performance Fiber Reinforcement is the optimal solution for ensuring proper reinforcement placement in concrete slabs and elevated decks. It helps concrete resist early-age cracking and enhances long-term durability. A range of Performance Fiber Reinforcement systems is available to replace wire mesh and light rebar in slabs and elevated decks.

Performance Fiber Replacement Systems effectively replace common 10-gauge to 4-gauge wire mesh and light rebar mats, such as #3 and #4 bars.



Pervious concrete is a special type of concrete with high porosity, allowing water from precipitation and other sources to pass directly through. This reduces site runoff and facilitates groundwater recharge. Its high porosity is achieved through a highly interconnected void structure. Typically, pervious concrete contains little or no fine aggregate and just enough cementitious paste to coat the coarse aggregate particles while maintaining void interconnectivity.

Pervious concrete is commonly used in parking areas, light-traffic zones, residential streets, alleyways, and pedestrian walkways.

As regulations increasingly limit storm water runoff, property development becomes more expensive due to the size and cost of required drainage systems. Pervious concrete minimizes runoff from paved areas, reducing the need for separate storm water retention ponds and enabling the use of smaller-capacity storm sewers. This allows property owners to develop more of their available land at a lower cost.

The success of pervious concrete pavements depends on an experienced installer. Proper subgrade preparation is crucial, as with any concrete pavement.

The EPA recommends regular cleaning of pervious concrete to maintain its permeability. This can be achieved through vacuum sweeping or pressure washing.