
More than 50 high quality aggregates to choose from.


Give us a call and see how Frey Sand and Gravel products can be provided to match the requirements of your project. We produce various coarse and fine aggregate products and specialty engineered soil mixes. We also supply a full line of limestone products. Slinger and dump truck services can be provided.

Please note that a number of selected products are available at substations located at the United Materials Concrete Plants and at the Builder Supplies locations. See the locations menu for the site nearest you.

Frey Sand & Gravel produces washed crushed gravel products, various sand products, and crushed sub base courses. Slinger and dump truck services can also be provided.

Crushed Coarse Aggregates
Crushed Gravel
A. #1 A (1/4″ – 1/8″)
B. #1 B (3/16″ – 80 Sieve)
C. #1 (1/2″ – 1/4″)
D. #2 (1 1/2″ – 1/2″)
E. #3 & #4 (2 1/2″ – 1 1/2″)
F. #1 & #2 Blend

Sub Base Coarses
Crushed Stone
A. 2″ Run of Crusher Stone
B. 1″ Run of Crusher Stone
C. 5/8″ Run of Crushed Limestone
D. 4″ Crusher Run Limestone

Washed Fine Aggregates
A. Mason Sand
B. Concrete Sand
C. Filter Sand* (Septic Systems)

Coarse- to medium-grade sand media provides secondary treatment of wastewater or septic tank effluent. Our filter sand is graded within specific limits to ensure uniformity in sizing. This product is approved by the New York State DEC and the Erie County Health Department, as it meets the two parameters used to define and grade media for filtration: effective grain size and uniformity coefficient.

D. Bedding Sand (Dairy & Utility)

A. #1 & #2 Clean Limestone
B. Surge Rock Limestone
C. 3/8″ Washed Limestone

Specialty Products
A. Bio-Retention / Dry Swale Soil
B. Engineered Soil Mixes*

Engineered soil is a mix of processed sand, topsoil, and/or leaf compost. Engineered soil provides a permanent storm water infiltration process, which lowers site storm water run-off and loading of sediment and soluble pollutants.

Engineered soils are incorporated into bio-retention/dry swale basins, where native perennial plants help to store, infiltrate, evaporate, filter, and slow velocity of storm water run-off. The use of engineered soils can be applied toward LEED certification.

Dump truck and Stone Slinger delivery service can be arranged at your request.​